original 1:1 map for Arabic spelling and alphabet learners
a | b | t | ţ | g | ħ |
s | j | c | đ | ŧ | ź |
m | n | h | u | i | ‘ |
é | á | ú | í | ý |
x | d | z | r | ƶ | |
o | ǵ | f | q | k | l |
e | y | â | û | î | |
ń | · | _ |
“see” Arabic websites and how words are actually spelt !!!

install ARABEASY HERE. Then go to any Arabic page and click the icon top right, the website will then be transliterated to western alphabet.
The original script is left intact in case you choose to translate any words with an extension such as TRANSLATOR & DICTIONARY – Translate, which also plays audio for some languages, or REVERSO TRANSLATE which sometimes has better Arabic translations. (for smartphones, use yandex browser to enable chrome extensions)
convert Arabic news websites, forums, facebook etc. to English letters.
ARABEASY view Arabic in English letters
ARABEASY view Chrome extension
once installed, click on the Arabeasy icon to convert
you can also use firefox addon “Linguist” or chrome’s “Click Translator” to translate and pronounce selected text in the original Arabic script

How to TYPE ARABIC in browser textboxes:
CHROME ARABEASY type Arabic (IME) extension
To switch ARABIC ON/OFF in browser text boxes use the F2 (function key F2)

Free Android Arabeasy Keyboard here (needs Android KitKat 4.4 or higher)
A Windows keyboard also can be downloaded here
[table][attr colspan=13]main innovations: univocal/reversible optimal 1:1 map
e ة | ǵ غ | đ ص | x خ | ţ ث ŧ ط | a)i)u),àìù,âîû ُ ِ َ | ń ً | á أ é آ í إ |
ú ؤ | y ى ý ئ | o ع ـ | j ش | ħ ح ـ | shadda “·” (can also enter as double hyphen “- -“) | ƶز ź ظ | _ tatweel |
Arabeasy is a fully reversible transliteration system mapped 1:1 Arabic:Latin alphabet, for a deeper understanding of written Arabic – academic article here *
- designed for simple and rapid input on keyboards/smartphones etc.
- map directly to Arabic, avoid confusion from multiple word spellings, e.g. kebir/kebeer/kabeer? (Arabeasy:kbir directly from Arabic)
- eases transition to reading/spelling of Arabic script in the future
- fewer letters means faster typing and reading e.g. ARABEASY mbtħbj vs mabit7ebish (6 letters vs 11 letters)
- one letter per symbol, only normal letters from standard keyboards, reversible
- unwritten vowels accented: â î û
** Can also be used for Farsi (Persian) and Urdu
viewing and typing (IME) possible in one add-on, install the
Transliterator Add-on HERE
follow these steps:
Open the OPTIONS dialog of the Transliterator Add-on, and select Arabic.
To use, go to a any text input box on a web page, and press ALT-X (or whatever is set as the “toggle keyboard mode” shortcut in the Transliterator Add On OPTIONS), this should toggle between Arabeasy input and normal input. You should now be able to type Arabic using the ARABEASY keyboard mapping.
You can also transliterate Arabic text on any page withe the Transliterate shortcut key defined in the Add-on options, I like to use ATL-Z for this, so then you just select any text or the whole page with CTRL-A, and then convert to ARABEASY with ALT-Z.
my settings:
ALT-X toggle type ARABEASY ( IME) ON/OFF
ALT-A ARABEASY–>ARABIC (detransliterate)You can keep the Text input locked on by setting “Toggle keyboard window mode” in the settings, that way all input boxes on the page are affected.
You may need to restart Firefox for changes to shortcut keys to come into effect.
Have Fun!
kashida/tatweel _ (underscore)
shadda · (interpunct or U+00B7, SHIFT-3 on spanish kbd, enter with –)
fathatan ṇ (enter with N)
fatha damma kasra a)àâ u)ùû i)ìî
even works for transcribed video text/ .SRT subtitles (use the paste/convert MENU above)
Reading Arabic webpages in ABC (a.k.a. Franco-Arab, Frankuarab, Arabizi, Arabic chat) can ease memorization of new words, reading speed, and help understand the Arabic writing system.
This transliteration system is a close 1:1 mapping onto Arabic as it is written, teaching how to spell Arabic correctly and understand language syntax. It results in less confusion as to whether letters are written double or single etc.
c sounds like s, eg century
i = yi (eg. ibod=yibod) at word start and often has a missing vowel in front (eg. bit=bait), u is u and “w”, y is “a” and “i”,
ái ma’ hi hu ji’ juie áħlan | ‘aya ma’ah hia hua shi shuaie ahlan | any water she he thing a little sometimes |
Arabeasy.net lets you change any Arabic page to Western alphabet (a.k.a. Franco-Arab, Frankuarab, Arabizi, Arabic chat) instantly.
Arabeasy aims to teach Arabic using the English alphabet (transliteration or romanization). This makes it much easier to remember words and spelling visually, even if one is learning or already knows Arabic letters.
This transliteration system is a close 1:1 mapping onto Arabic as it is written, teaching how to spell Arabic correctly and understand language syntax. It results in less confusion as to whether letters are written double or single etc. A simple example, the word for slang, colloquial or Egyptian dialect in Arabic is “oamiah”, but if written phonetically it could be ammeyya, ammeya, ameyya, amiya, ammiyya, ammiya, amiyya..
keywords: romanise, romanisation, phonetic, script, ameya, ammeyya, ammeya, ameyya, amiya, ammiyya, ammiya, amiyya, English, Egypt, Arab World, Aralish, Arabish, Franco-Arab, chat, Arabizi, phonetic, amia, Franku-Arab
Good effort.